dear LIst,
this is a dynamic that plays up not to far off from Spivak's position I previously described. How can subjects who constantly rewrite their autobiographies approached? Silence may be the answer...
Thoughts, reproaches--but hopefully approaches are the hopes for this message. We have until Sunday, so I do hope others join in.
Raul's e-mail made me realize what this discussion is about, no matter how
busy we may all be. So after saying goodbye less than 24 hours agod, I am
now admitting to be active on the list until the end of the week
... Cixous has recently written: 'I believe the text should
establish an ethical relationship to reality as well as to textural
practice.' The task here is to not suspend reading until such time as the
text is our of quarantine.
All precautions taken, then we can say that Cixous is staging the thought
that, even as we are determined in all kinds of other ways - academic,
philosopher, feminist, black, homeowner, menstruating woman, for example -
we *are* also *always* in the peculiar being-determination that sustains
these. She is staging that dimension in the name of the place of
mother-and-child. This is not really a space accessible to political
determinations, or to specific determinations of mothering in specific
cultural formations. ...
- Gayatri Spivak, "French Feminism Revisited", Outside in the Teaching Machine, p155. .